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Higher Electronics Circuit Integrations within the Fractal Electronics Frontiers
V.V. Mitic1,2, V. Paunovic1, Lj. Kocic1
1 University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia
2 Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, Belgrade, Serbia
received July 15, 2016, received in revised form November 21, 2016, accepted November 24, 2016
Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 365-378 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2016-00047
Knowledge of the morphology of ceramic grains and pores facilitates understanding of the sintering process. The real intergrain contact surfaces, as highly irregular objects, can only be adequately described by using fractal models. Both micro- and nanostructured shapes of grains and intergranular contacts can be easily reconstructed by using fractal analysis/modeling. Several variations of Coble's two-sphere model are reviewed in this paper. Further, the intergranular capacity model has been reexamined from the perspective of intergranular fractal formations. The area of grains' surface is calculated using fractal correction and fractal dimension. This results in a more precise numerical interpretation of the parameters and related properties of electronic ceramics. In particular, the role of the dielectric constant, being correlated with the fractal nature of intergranular morphology, causes corrections to the Heywang model and Curie-Weiss law. In order to obtain an equivalent circuit model, an intergranular contacts model is determined and implemented for characterization of the electrical properties of barium titanate. The improved material prognosis electronic properties can be given on the basis of micro-/nanostructure fractal relations. Considering the obtained results, new frontiers are established for deeper and higher level of microelectronic integration of electronic circuits, which practically results in a new framework for fractal electronics.
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Ceramics, Coble's model, Heywang model, Curie-Weiss law
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