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Estimation of fiber/matrix interfacial friction coefficient in continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic-matrix composites at room and elevated temperatures under cyclic loading
L. Li
College of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics No.29 Yudao St., Nanjing 210016, PR China
received Febuary 23, 2018, received in revised form April 4, 2018, accepted April 27, 2018
Vol. 9, No. 4, Pages 371-380 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2018-00015
In this paper, the fiber/matrix interfacial frictional coefficient of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs) at room and elevated temperatures have been investigated. The fatigue hysteresis loops models considering the fiber/matrix interface friction between fibers and the matrix have been developed to establish the relationships between the fatigue hysteresis loops, fatigue hysteresis dissipated energy and fiber/matrix interface frictional coefficient. Using the experimental fatigue hysteresis dissipated energy, the fiber/matrix interface frictional coefficient of SiC/Si3N4 and SiC/SiC composites at room and elevated temperatures were obtained for different cycle numbers, interface properties and fatigue peak stresses. The effects of fiber/matrix interface bonding, fatigue peak stress, test temperature and cycle number on the evolution of fatigue hysteresis dissipated energy and fiber/matrix interface frictional coefficient have been analyzed.
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Ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs); fatigue; interface debonding; interface frictional coefficient.
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