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Future Research in Refractories: A Roadmap Approach
A. Geigenmüller1, H. Spindler1, K. Lenk1, C. G. Aneziris2
1 Technische Universität Ilmenau, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Media, Department of Marketing, Helmholtzplatz 3, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany
2 Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Ceramics, Glass and Construction Materials, Agricolastrasse 17, 09599 Freiberg, Germany
received October 20, 2013, received in revised form October 21, 2013, accepted December 10, 2013
Vol. 5, No. 2, Pages 71-76 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2013-00032
Science and technology roadmaps are valuable instruments for strategic planning in research. Especially for interdisciplinary fields such as materials science and technology, roadmaps are promising instruments for identifying relevant research themes and interfaces between different disciplines and actors. Against this background, this paper aims at developing a roadmap for refractory research in order to strategically promote the field, to initiate ground-breaking research endeavors and valuable collaborations and to advance fundamental and applied refractory research. To this end, the study employs an extensive review of existing roadmaps, strategic papers, reports, and presentations in the fields of materials science and engineering, ceramics, glass, metals, metallurgy, and refractory applications. Furthermore, in-depth interviews with national and international experts from academia, industry and professional associations provide judgments about future research trends and estimates about their time of occurrence. The study identifies four main future research areas, including novel materials compositions as enablers for improved or extended materials properties, new approaches for materials preparation, forming and processing technologies. Moreover, modeling and forecasting of materials properties and performance are identified as important fields for future research.
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Roadmap, strategic planning, refractories, materials synthesis, preparation, processing, testing, modeling and simulation
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