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Plots of Surface Temperature and Mass of a Heated, Large Limestone Sample in Terms of Regression Splines and the Programming Language R
R. Lech1, S. Sado2
1 AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow
2 Zakłady Magnezytowe „ROPCZYCE” S.A. Research and Development Centre of Ceramics
received August 3, 2021, received in revised form July 27, 2022, accepted August 3, 2022
Vol. 13, No. 2, Pages 65-82 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2021-00015
The use of the surface temperature and the mass of a limestone sample or sample conversion degree as variables present in various models of limestone calcination is shown in the paper. The linear model of the thermal dissociation rate of a large limestone sample is derived using the R program and the base of B - splines. The statistical significance of the formulated model is demonstrated. The example of the model recording of the thermal dissociation rate of a large limestone sample as a function of heating conditions, including the sample heating time, is shown. The values of the basis functions contained in the regression matrix have been identified. Moreover, the formulas for non-zero cubic basis functions in the selected span knot of the explanatory variable are derived.
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Limestone, thermal dissociation, thermal analysis, statistical modelling, regression splines
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