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Avoiding Thermal-Stress-Induced Failures by Design Optimization when Brazing Perlucor® to Inconel® 718 Components
L. Spatafora1, J. Isele1, H.-J. Ritzhaupt-Kleissl2, V. Hagenmeyer1, J. Aktaa2
1 Institute for Automation and applied Informatics (IAI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT
2 Institute for Applied Materials – Materials and Biomechanics (IAM-WBM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT
received February 5, 2019, received in revised form July 5, 2019, accepted July 26, 2019
Vol. 10, No. 2, Pages 1-10 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2019-00011
The advanced design of the video inspection system GeoKam for optical inspection of deep boreholes requires the joining of a transparent ceramic window to the Inconel® 718 housing. Active brazing using Incusil ™ ABA as active brazing material gave the best results. Detailed design calculations were performed using the codes ABAQUS® and STAU. Design optimizations resulted in the construction of a sleeve as an adapter part between the ceramic and the Inconel® 718 housing. An important result of the calculations was to avoid sharp edges of the sleeve by realization of a chamfer in order to reduce the fracture probability. The results of the design calculations could be verified with model experiments.
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Metal-ceramic-joint, residual stress calculation, failure probability, active brazing
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