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Mechanical Properties of Zirconia Y-TZP Core Veneered for Dentistry Applications
C.N. Elias1, H.E.S. dos Santos1, M. Garbossa2, C. dos Santos3
1 Instituto Military de Engenharia, Materials Science Department, Pça Gen Tibúrcio, 80, Praia Vermelha, 22290 – 270 Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brasil.
2 Universidade Veiga de Almeida, Rua Ibituruna, 108, 27271 – 901 Rio de janeiro, RJ – Brazil.
3 Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 27537 – 803 Resende, RJ – Brazil.
received May 15, 2017, received in revised form September 4, 2017, accepted November 7, 2017
Vol. 8, No. 4, Pages 525-530 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2017-00032
The objective of this work is to compare the mechanical properties of sintered yttria tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline (Y-TZP) micro- and nano-particles, and evaluate the influence of a layer of veneer aesthetic ceramic (annealing from 600 °C to 935 °C, surface finishing) on Y-TZP mechanical properties. The specimens were cut from four Y-TZP pre-sintered blocks, sintered, polished and coated with feldspathic ceramic. One experimental Y-TZP block was made with Y-TZP nano-particles and three commercially available blocks were made with Y-TZP micro-particles from different companies (ProtMat, Ivoclar and Vita). One group of ProtMat Y-TZP micro-particles specimens was not coated. The zirconia with nano-particles showed the highest flexural strength (1020 MPa) and fracture toughness (11.2 MPa·m-1/2). ANOVA statistical analysis did not show statistically a difference in the flexural strength (∼ 850 MPa), hardness (∼ 1300 HV), fracture toughness (∼ 9 MPa·m-1/2) and shear strength (∼ 12.97 MPa) among the zirconia specimens with micrometer-sized particles.
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Y-TZP, zirconia nano-particles, dental prosthesis, zirconia core veneered
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