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The Interaction of Stacking Faults and the Doping of Si in TiC
Q. Liu, F.G. Qi, X.L. Wang, H.M. Ding, Y. Shi
School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, PR China
received April 26, 2017, received in revised form May 21, 2017, accepted June 2, 2017
Vol. 8, No. 4, Pages 493-498 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2017-00027
In this work, the interaction of stacking faults and the doping of Si in TiC has been studied. It has been found that the SFs and doping of Si influence each other, but the effect is limited. However, both of them are closely related to the carbon vacancies. It is considered that the carbon vacancies simultaneously promote the formation of SFs and the doping of Si, and then the doped Si and carbon vacancies tend to segregate in the SF layers, which can result in the formation of Ti3SiC2 platelets. And the segregation process can be enhanced by their easier diffusion in the SF layers.
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Defects, ceramic, vacancies, simulation.
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