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Extrusion Process for the Manufacture of Beta″-Alumina Solid Electrolyte Tubes
Y. Hu1, S.N. Heavens2, J.S. Blackburn2, S. Blackburn1
1 School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom
2 Ionotec Ltd, 14 Berkeley Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1TQ, United Kingdom
received August 26, 2016, received in revised form October 10, 2016, accepted December 6, 2016
Vol. 8, No. 1, Pages 25-30 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2016-00060
For future stationary energy storage requirements, sodium batteries are potentially suitable candidates owing to their high energy density, proven reliability, high faradaic efficiency and the use of abundant low-cost raw materials. Tubular battery designs require a thin-walled solid electrolyte tube, usually formed from ion-conductive beta″-alumina ceramic. State-of-the-art manufacturing methods, namely isostatic pressing and electrophoretic deposition, contribute a significant proportion of battery cost, and it is desirable to identify a high-volume low-cost process for the ceramic. Extrusion offers the potential for a rapid low-cost, high-volume production process but requires special development for adaptation to the demands of solid electrolyte production. This paper summarizes recent trials on extrusion as a process for producing beta″-alumina ceramic electrolyte tubes.
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Beta″-alumina solid electrolyte tubes, solvent- and aqueous-binder-based ceramic extrusion, one-step reaction-sintering processing method, introduction of zirconia oxide into beta″-alumina ceramic, axial and radial resistivity of beta″-alumina tubes
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