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Miniature Low-Pass Filters in Low-Loss 9k7 LTCC
Steve Dai, Lung-Hwa Hsieh
Sandia National Laboratories, P. O. Box 5800, MS 0959, Albuquerque, NM 87185 – 1349, USA
received Juli 10, 2015, received in revised form August 21, 2015, accepted September 30, 2015
Vol. 6, No. 4, Pages 325-328 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2015-00033
DuPont 9k7 low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) is a low-loss, or high-quality-factor Q, tape system targeting at radio frequency (RF) applications. This paper reports on the effect of a critical process parameter, the heating rate, on the densification and dielectric properties of the 9k7 LTCC. The role of competing densification and crystallization during the sintering of 9k7 is discussed. The high Q of DuPont 9K7 can be used to improve RF system performance, for example a better receiver noise figure, by designing embedded passive RF components such as inductors, capacitors and filters. Miniaturized multilayer low-pass filters (LPF) with a wide stopband were fabricated to showcase the technology.
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Low-temperature cofired ceramics (LTCC), multilayer, miniature low-pass filter.
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