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Numerical Two-Scale Simulations of Damage Evolution at Refractory Materials
D. Henneberg, A. Ricoeur
University of Kassel, Institute of Mechanics, D-34125 Kassel, Germany;
received October 25, 2013, received in revised form January 6, 2014, accepted February 25, 2014
Vol. 5, No. 2, Pages 83-92 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2013-00034
Fracture and damage processes on micro- and mesoscale are combined with macroscale simulations applying numerical multiscale approaches. Cracks and grain boundaries are reproduced in cell models that take account of trans- and intercrystalline crack growth. The global, in general thermomechanical boundary value problem is considered within a continuum mechanics framework. Two approaches are presented combining the scales. Simple processes on the smaller level are described in analytical models including the damage evolution into the constitutive laws by internal variables. More complicated microstructural features are incorporated, performing interacting FE simulations on both scales and applying numerical homogenization schemes.
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