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Development of a Novel Sensor-Actuator-Module with Ceramic Multilayer Technology
Markus Flössel1, Sylvia Gebhardt2, Andreas Schönecker2, Alexander Michaelis1
1 TU Dresden, Institute of Material Science, 01062 Dresden, Germany
2 Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technologies and Systems, Winterbergstrasse 28, 01277 Dresden, Germany
received April 08, 2010, received in revised form July 29, 2010, accepted August 10, 2010
Vol. 1, No. 1, Pages 55-58 DOI: 10.4416/JCST2010-00010
There is a need for low-profile piezoelectric modules directly integrated into structural components like lightweight metals to control the vibration and noise of thin-walled structures and components.
This paper reports on a new module design based on LTCC/PZT multilayers. The newly developed packaging technology entails the lamination of sintered PZT ceramic plates with LTCC green layers and subsequent sintering. This module design has the advantage of complete encasement of the PZT by the insulating carrier material. The approach combines LTCC microsystems technology and piezo technology and allows for tremendous consolidation of functional integration, e.g. sensing, actuation and electronic control. Ferroelectric hysteresis loops and deflection of LTCC/PZT modules glued onto steel plates were measured and compared with reference steel plates based on PZT plates. LTCC/PZT modules showed a maximum deflection of around 130 μm in the static mode and above 550 μm in the dynamic mode with a resonance frequency of 19.7 Hz. Single LTCC/PZT modules with optimum design were integrated into an aluminium matrix prepared by metal die casting in cooperation with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. X-ray analysis was performed to show that the LTCC/PZT modules survived this manufacturing step without cracks, confirming the vision of adaptive metal structures in the automotive and machine engineering industries.
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LTCC, PZT, sensor, actuator, multilayer technology, aluminium die casting
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© 2010 Göller Verlag
The financial support of the German Research Foundation (SFB/Transregio 39 "PT-PIESA") is gratefully acknowledged. The authors wish to thank Mr Matthias Rübner from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Institute of Science and Technology of Metals) for the aluminium die casting experiments.